EIC transition grant for FlowBeams!

FlowBeams, a MedTech spin-off from the University of Twente relying on the BuBble-Gun technology, proudly announces receiving the highly competitive the European Innovation Council (EIC) Transition grant, €2.5 million. This exceptional accomplishment underscores the remarkable potential of FlowBeams to continue advancing the field of needle-free injection technology. The EIC Transition grant awarded to FlowBeams as […]
Winner Edmund Optics Educational Gold Award

We have been awarded the Edmund Optics Educational Gold award! Last month, it was already announced that we were one of the five finalists in Europe and today Edmund Optics announced that we won the gold award! The prize is €7000 in products of Edmund Optics. As our experimental project heavily relies on optics, both […]
Finalist Edmund Optics Educational Awards

We are finalists for the Edmund Optics Educational Awards 2023, in the Europe category. The University of Twente and specifically the BubBle-Gun Project has been chosen as one of the 5 finalists in Europe. The winner will be chosen on the 20th of December, and the top 3 will get 7k, 5k and 3k in […]
Interview in Amazing Erasmus

A new interview in Amazing Erasmus has been published on the collaboration with Martijn van Doorn from Erasmus MC Hospital. In this interview, David and Martijn share their vision for a future where patients can receive injections without needles, increasing the effectiveness of medical treatments, while reducing waste generated. If you are interested in knowing […]
Squeezed Droplets

Following the work that we did on microfluidic jets impacting on droplets, we decided to squeeze droplets between two glass walls. This allowed us to visualise and make a deep analaysis of the generated cavity when the injection is made. Furthermore, we could use a wide range of materials, from soft solids (agarose gels) to Newtonian […]
Jelle presented at the Nanobubble 2022 conference

Jelle attended the Nanobubble 2022 conference, hosted by the Otto-Von-Guericke University in Magdeburg (Germany). The conference was well-attended by experts working in the field of nano- and microbubbles, with a balance between people working on the theory and applications. The conference had 7 invited talks by well-established speakers, and 50 contributed talks by speakers from […]
Winners of Magic 50 Awards Dutch Innovation Days 2022

Winners! We won as FlowBeams, the Magic 50 Award, granted by the Dutch Innovation Days, 2022. The night of the competition, a small group from our Team received and celebrated the prize. It was a great honour to compete with such great innovations (here). Euronitrile , CLEVER°FRANKE, Flux Robotics, The Great Bubble Barrier® , Phycom, Stratech , EC Sens, Moovd, DEMCON, OneThird , Moneybird, Baseflow, Rival Foods, Innovadis BV, Flow Beams, University […]
Injecting without needles: more efficient and less pain

Prikken zonder naald: zuiniger en minder pijnlijk Injecting without needles can be done more efficiently and causing less pain. The very prestigious news magazine NRC (Dutch) gave a great recount of what our efforts are aimed at, and its reach.. The article mentions our plans to collaborate with Anna Roukens, from LUMC.
Proof of Concept 150k Euro grant from the ERC to develop a prototype: needle free injections closer to become reality!

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced that we got the Proof of Concept grant to continue developing our needle-free injector prototype! We want to revolutionize the experience of people who receive or perform frequent injections by developing a portable needle-free device using lasers and microjets. Bold-Jet will become a solution perfectly suitable for treatments […]
Our Jet vs Droplet injection work comparing Apple-sauce experiments in Soft Matter Most Popular 2021

What a great surprise to start the year knowing that our work Impact of a microfluidic jet on a pendant droplet has been selected for the Soft Matter Most Popular 2021 series. The main relevance of this work is the simple models that can explain some of the beautiful complexity of the impact of fast traveling […]