
If for some reason you have no access to any of my publications, please send me an email and I will make them available:

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Other peer-reviewed publications

  1. Efficient cleaning of a microfluidic chip, blog Chips & Tips, a regularly updated forum for scientists in the miniaturisation field from Lab on a Chip.
  2. Fernández, D. and Gardeniers, J.G.E., On the resilience of PDMS microchannels after violent optical breakdown microbubble cavitation, 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM2008; Darmstadt Germany. (2008).
  3. Fernández Rivas, D., M. Kashid, D. W. Agar and S. Turek, Slug flow capillary microreactor hydrodynamic study, The African Review of Physics, Vol 1. (2007).
  4. Fernández Rivas, D., Piedra Díaz, M., La dinámica de fluidos computacional, su aplicación al estudio de las características de un intercambiador de tubos térmicos, Ingeniería Mecánica, Vol 8. (3), p.1-10 (2005).


  1. Fernandez Rivas, D.; Verhaagen, B.; Walsh, S., Complementary technologies required for 21st-century additive manufacturing product insertion Commercial Micro Manufacturing International, Volume: 8 Issue: 6 Pages: 30-33, 2015
  2. High-Precision Cleaning from Twente’s Spin-off BuBclean. August 2015.