Reuters: ‘Virtually painless’ needle-free injections developed in Netherlands

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Reuters presents our work: `Virtually painless’ needle-free injections developed in Netherlands! See also how the World Economic Forum also covered our work in thisĀ link to video.

Reuters in Twente WEF featured
David shows the reporters of Reuters how the experiment works

“Roughly one in five Dutch people are afraid of needles, said Henk Schenk, who offers therapy to help those suffering acutely. “Phobia of needles is more common than you might think. People are ashamed to admit it.”

Some people trace their fears back to a traumatic childhood hospital admission, or are afraid of surrendering control. A small number of roughly 1 out of 1,000 have a deep phobia that requires repeated sessions to prepare them for a jab.”

Our mock prototype can be seen in one embodiment here.

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