Yasmin graduated from BSc project

Last Friday, Yasmin defended her BSc thesis and received a grade of 7.5. She presented her work titled “Thermocavitation in microfluidic confinement: the influence of laser configuration on bubble and jet formation”. Over the last three months, she has worked hard in the lab to investigate thermocavitation inside the microfluidic chip, and specifically the influence of the laser properties on the bubble and jet dynamics. She joined our team from the study Advanced Technology, and within a short amount of time, she has learned a lot about the fluid and laser physics involved, the high speed imaging and corresponding analysis and the use of a design of experiment as an analysis tool. During her project, she was supervised by PhD students Keerthana and Jelle, and David chaired the graduation committee. Alvaro Marin from the Physics of Fluids group joined as an external member, to ask critical questions on her report and presentation, resulting in an interesting discussion.

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