FlowBeams visits Hello Tomorrow

FlowBeams visited Hello Tomorrow in Paris from March 20-22. Hello Tomorrow is the major European event for deeptech startups and investors. Lea and Jelle represent FlowBeams, and travel with a large Dutch delegation to Paris (see cover photo). During the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, got in contact with potential investors and other startups, to show […]
Interview in Amazing Erasmus

A new interview in Amazing Erasmus has been published on the collaboration with Martijn van Doorn from Erasmus MC Hospital. In this interview, David and Martijn share their vision for a future where patients can receive injections without needles, increasing the effectiveness of medical treatments, while reducing waste generated. If you are interested in knowing […]
Yasmin graduated from BSc project

Last Friday, Yasmin defended her BSc thesis and received a grade of 7.5. She presented her work titled “Thermocavitation in microfluidic confinement: the influence of laser configuration on bubble and jet formation”. Over the last three months, she has worked hard in the lab to investigate thermocavitation inside the microfluidic chip, and specifically the influence […]